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  • you can submit questions as many times as you like; only the last submission is marked
  • for Q1 say PASSED; for Q2 says OK; OK == PASSED
  • Q1,Q2: always run make after you make changes, and before you do sh
  • Q1,Q2: we don't care about efficiency or style, just correctness
  • ignore the comments referring to sortStudents() at the start of graphIsBinTree() in q2
  • Q2: you can assume that the graph will have only one (weakly) connected component
  • q?.txt questions are hand-marked; formatting doesn't matter, but try to make them nice
  • Q5: in this exam, a single node does not form a clique
  • Q5: "connected components" should interpreted as "weakly connected components"
  • Q7: you only need to show the removal of 99

Resource created Friday 14 August 2020, 11:03:52 PM, last modified Saturday 15 August 2020, 03:50:05 PM.

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